Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saying Goodbye.

Why is saying goodbye so hard? I guess it's not always hard; like when you say goodbye to unwanted pounds or a pimple that popped up on your face unexpectedly a week earlier.
Saying goodbye to loved ones though, that is almost always difficult. Even when it's not due to death or some other horrible circumstance. Sometimes even when the person leaving is moving onto bigger and better things, or is going off on some wonderful adventure, it can still be hard to say goodbye. Even when you know they are going to be happy and possibly even a bit happier than where they were, saying goodbye can still be rough. Even when you know they are going to be back soon, it doesn't necessarily seem soon enough. Saying goodbye can definitely be bitter sweet. Maybe instead of saying goodbye, we should say what is really in our hearts like- "Have a good time.", "Come back soon.", "God bless.", "I'll miss you.", "Be safe.", and of course "I love you!". That sounds much better than goodbye and it feels better too. So to my beloved and beautiful sister- Have a good time, I know you'll be back soon but I will still miss you immensely. Please be safe and may God bless you in your travels. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! XOXOXO

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