Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Heart

The heart is an amazing thing. Actually, our bodies are amazing things. When I think about how beautiful and complex the human body is, I am overwhelmed. I am reminded of the Bodyworld's exhibition I saw a few months back. It's a wonder why we don't have more problems. It seems there are so many things that could and should go wrong. Especially with the way we treat our bodies, as if we are invincible. We take our bodies for granted. We forget how lucky we are to have a heart that functions the way it should, and then WHAM!, it doesn't work the way it is supposed to anymore. All of these thoughts come rushing in, I should have quit smoking years ago........I should be eating better.........exercising! Why do we do this to ourselves? Why does our body forsake us? I guess only God can answer those questions.
Today I say "Thank you body! Thank you for hanging in there with all of my cruelty and oftentimes indifference. Thank you for not giving up on me yet! I promise to try and do better!"
One great piece of advice- don't take your body for granted!

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