Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Here we are again, another year gone by, another Christmas sneaking up on us. This year I am feeling happiness and a bit of sadness all at the same time. Many mixed emotions. I am looking forward to spending time with my sister- HAPPY! She is in town for a short while- SAD!. Having our youngest open his first presents will also be a happy time, although sadness will be in the back of my mind knowing how fast he is growing and that this will be his last first Christmas. I am happy to be spending quality time with my family and friends, although sad for those who do not have family and/or friends to spend Christmas with, or maybe have family/friends serving in the military to ensure the rest of us have the freedom and protection to enjoy Christmas. Sad for those families who are struggling financially and therefore may not have a Christmas at all. I am happy and grateful that we have a new year ahead full of hope and possibilities, and sad to see another year go by as my kids grow up so quickly before my eyes. So many things to be joyous about, so many gifts and blessings we have, yet during this blessed season let us not forget those who may not be feeling so blessed right now. Merry Christmas to all and God willing, a great 2009!

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