Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A mom with a blog...and a job.

Who knew I would someday have my own blog. Not me. Chasing kids around, keeping up the house, and managing my freelance responsibilities keeps me busy enough. Lucky for me my work with SavvyDog Design has opened up a whole new slew of options, ideas and knowledge that have now offered me the opportunity to start my own blog. It may not be a good blog- yet! I am sure it will be in no time, with help from those of you who know all about blogging and about being a work at home mom.
Today I spent hours and hours online learning all about blogs. Wow, there are a lot of great blogs out there, and a lot of bad ones. I can't believe how much information and advice there is on how to have a successful blog and how to really mess it up. Hopefully I am taking advice from the right people.
I look forward to hearing from those of you who can add knowledge, help and just plain old good advice to me so that this blog can be a great resource for all work at home moms (and dads).
In the meantime, I found this great forum for people who work at home. Seems to be very resourceful.

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